Rebuilding the American Educational Process, Part I
Part II
Part III
by Natalia J. Garland
Print Version
Senator Barack Obama recently introduced his "Plan for Lifetime
Success Through Education." The plan appears to be a more
detailed version of a speech which he gave in New Hampshire in November,
2007: "Our Kids, Our Future." The plan attempts to establish
guidelines for teacher qualifications, student learning programs, and
parental involvement. The question remains, however, if more teacher
training and more student programs, as well as more expenditure of
taxpayer monies, will improve America's public schools.
Why, after years of
advancement in educational theories and approaches, and after billions
of dollars spent on public schools, are students failing in large
numbers? Why do students fail to graduate, or fail to graduate on
time, or graduate but are not prepared to do college-level work? Most
of us would probably agree with Obama's reaction to America's problems
in education: "This kind of America is morally unacceptable for
our children. It's economically untenable for our future." But
how will Obama's plan improve the quality of education and produce more
and better high school graduates?
Obama's plan centers
around the expenditure of money (18 billion dollars), student programs,
teacher quality and teaching methods, emphasis on science and math,
standardized tests that will "diagnose" student weaknesses,
quality education from birth to college, childcare and education from
zero to five years of age, and parental involvement.
Specifically, Obama
wants to improve teacher quality through recruitment, scholarships for
prospective teachers willing to accept jobs in poverty-stricken or
minority neighborhoods, teacher residency programs, professional
development schools, teacher mentoring programs, and rewards for
accomplished teachers. In what appears to be Obama's attempt not to
blame the children for failure, he seems inadvertently to have blamed
the teachers.
There are fundamental
flaws in some of Obama's ideas. (1) There seems to be an assumption
that most teachers are not already qualified or dedicated. (2) There
is no emphasis on the student's individual responsibility to learn and
to conduct himself with self-respect. (3) No attention is given to the
structure or daily processes of the school environment: the learning
and socializing that takes place among students, and the interaction
between students and their teacher.
If there are currently
unqualified or under-performing teachers, then why are such teachers
still employed? Which schools allow incompetent teachers to remain in
the classroom? Which universities graduated them? Can America's
public school problems be directly linked to incompetent teachers? If
so, then it should only be a matter of terminating those teachers'
employment and replacing them with competent teachers. If the
incompetent teachers are employed in sub-standard school districts,
then those schools must be investigated and either closed down or
Certainly, there must be
some high-performing teachers in the public schools. Who and where
are they? How did they become effective educators? What kinds of
lesson plans and textbooks do they use? What are their teaching
methods and styles? How do they prevent or manage student behavioral
problems? And, why should the competent teachers be required to
undergo more training? How did these teachers become successful
without having ever participated in Obama's proposed programs? The
fact that there are indeed some excellent teachers proves that
excellence is possible without additional bureaucratic programs and
certifications imposed by the government.
Some of Obama's ideas
involve common sense and are already in use or should be in use: high
academic standards, money for resources, effective teaching
methods, special attention to impoverished neighborhoods, and
accountability. If large numbers of students are failing in certain
schools or sections of the country, then it could be because these
common-sense practices are not being utilized sufficiently. The
solution might be to tighten the slack in those particular schools
(including the re-training or dismissal of incompetent teachers--a
point which Obama also makes), rather than to establish nationwide
reform programs (Obama seems to call for even higher standards and
increased accountability for competent teachers).
However, some of Obama's
ideas address the current needs of teachers: teacher mentoring, service
scholarships, and rewards for accomplishments. For example, despite
being surrounded by students all day, teaching can be a lonely job.
There is little contact with other teachers or school personnel. Having
regular discussions with a mentor could be invaluable for the beginning
teacher. Although some schools incorporate teacher workshops into the
school year, mentoring would provide a trusting relationship in which
teachers could share their real struggles and receive individualized
Let's move on to some of
Obama's ideas for students and parents. Although children in
impoverished areas, or children from working and/or single-parent
households, seem to benefit from early education, Obama's proposal for
zero-to-five education has a frightening aspect to it. Do parents
realize that they are turning their child over to government control,
from birth?! There is the potential for public school systems--which
are generally an arm of the government--to lean toward
politically-correct indoctrination of the child. Such indoctrination
would have a negative impact on the child's ability to mature and
think critically as well as to appreciate the cultural and religious
values of his parents.
Parents who send their
children to early education programs must gain an understanding of the
local systems, and must evaluate the instructional content of the
program. Early education teachers must focus on the basics of
education and child development. Working parents and single parents
must accept the responsibility to guide their children along their
preferred cultural or religious path, and not allow any system to
undermine or sabotage common sense and family moral standards. This is
not to blame the teachers (although in some instances teachers are
guilty of political bias in the classroom), but to emphasize that we
live in a political climate of distorted multiculturalism which has
spawned anti-American and anti-Western Civilization sentiments and
tendencies. Younger teachers themselves are often products of
multiculturalist public school and university systems.
Multiculturalism has
replaced the mostly defunct civics approach to character formation.
Alongside academics, public schools also have to deal with student
behavioral issues. In the past, the approach was to teach civics: the
behavior of a good citizen of America. Teaching children good
citizenship was not the same as brainwashing them. Civics was based in
the reality of their rights and duties, and included limitations on
behavior. Distorted multiculturalism, however, does not distinguish
between life-affirming behavior and the social injustices embedded in
some cultures: all is to be understood in context and accepted without
intelligent evaluation or moral discernment.
Obama's plan states,
"A lack of discipline is a leading challenge facing many public
schools." Obama's solution is to use P.B.S. (Positive Behavior
Support), which involves stopping unacceptable behavior before it
starts. In other words, yet another program is needed to instruct
teachers how to direct students toward the kind of social behaviors
that promote learning, and then to reinforce such behavior whenever it
is exhibited. However, teachers are already trained in positive
reinforcement--it is taught in the undergraduate Classroom Management
course which prospective teachers are required to take. Many of the
P.B.S principles and techniques are currently in daily use but are not
labeled as P.B.S. Nevertheless, Obama has advocated for the
"Positive Behavior for Effective Schools Act" and for funds
to implement this.
Even if P.B.S., as a
total program, can be proven effective, there is a variable that must
be taken into consideration: the majority of administrators and
teachers in each school agree to implement the program together.
In the 'olden days,' the majority of teachers were committed to the
instillation of good citizenship as an effective way to develop
positive character and behavior. The difference between the
therapeutic model and the civics model is that the former does not
promote a sense of duty or allegiance to America. An important
foundation of human dignity--the historical roots of American
democracy--is no longer given practical or normative credence. P.B.S.
proponents seem to believe that one reason for student misconduct is
the lack of a sense of belonging. Would that not be a valid reason to
emphasize civic pride?
Most teachers would
probably agree that some behaviors demand negative consequences in
order to extinguish the behavior, maximize actual teaching time, and
establish safety. Some behaviors require limit-setting as the primary
form of management. For example, a 'tardy sweep' is an efficient way
to extinguish tardiness to class. Most students will not get caught in
a tardy sweep a second time. Yes, some might get upset about the
consequences. But, students have the capacity to manage feelings,
adjust to school norms, and grow in maturity.
Although probably
nobody would argue against the proper application of positive
reinforcement, the prescriptive use of a particular program could
present certain risks, including the following. (1) A resulting
conformity and regimentation that could obstruct or inhibit teacher
individuality and creativity. (2) A government-controlled philosophy
of human behavior management that could become entrenched. (3) A
message to students that there are no negative consequences in life and
no legitimate authority figures. (4) A confusion of the boundaries
between academic instruction and psychotherapeutic intervention (i.e.,
some disruptive students should be referred to a school social worker
who would be more professionally qualified to assess behavior).
In Part I of
today's topic I have tried to briefly summarize some major points in
Obama's plan and to question any assertion that more money, programs,
and certifications would help to alleviate America's public school
problems. This would seem to be especially true of teacher training,
inasmuch as excellent teachers already exist. I have also questioned
if new programs would resolve student motivation or discipline problems,
especially in a society that promotes multiculturalism and political
correctness over the teaching of civics. In Part II, I will
discuss the structure and daily processes of the educational
environment. (Written 08/04/08: bibliography available.)
Until we meet
again....... .......stay sane.