Wave of Consciousness, "A Voice of Sanity in a World of Conflict"
Failure of Immigration Reform
by Natalia J. Garland, M.S.W.
The immigration reform legislation was not passed by the U.S. government. Now it seems the problem might remain unresolved until a new president is elected in 2008. Some illegal immigrant advocates had angry reactions to the reform failure. They also seemed to try to induce guilt, shame, and fear in those who opposed the reform. There were accusations of heartlessness, lack of conservative compassion, and loss of soul. Some Hispanic advocates threatened to punish the elected officials who voted against reform. One such advocate stated there would be Hispanic backlash against both the Democratic and Republican parties. (Does that mean development of a third party?)
Only American business owners and corporate executives should feel guilt over having placed more importance on monetary profit than on human dignity. Only government leaders should feel guilt over having served the greed of the business segment rather than the wellbeing of citizens. It was the collusion of business and government which compelled millions of poor people to seek jobs in the shadowy market of illegal labor--an underworld which average Americans never saw until these laborers arose on the streets, waving flags of foreign countries in protest while demanding to become U.S. citizens.
Only Mexico should feel shame over not managing its government and not providing education and jobs. If there is anger and rage over the failure of immigration reform, let those emotions be directed toward every nation which has neglected its own poor, abused its women and children, imprisoned dissidents, and enabled the growing and trafficking of addictive drugs. Tell the corrupt governments that they are heartless. Tell the drug cartels that they have no soul. Tell the socialist dictators that they will lose votes.
What is the actual outcome of America's immigration reform failure? Has anything bad happened to the illegal immigrants living and working here? Perhaps there will be increased deportation--but everybody knows that all 12 million illegal immigrants are not going to be deported. Perhaps the border fence will be lengthened--but everybody knows this is not going to happen quickly. Meanwhile, illegal immigrants still have jobs and places to live. They will come home from work and cook dinner tonight. Their children will go back to school in the fall. Immigration reform will be revived in a year or so. It is unlikely that any of them are going to return to Mexico, no matter how difficult their circumstances or how upset they are over reform failure. Life is still better in America.
Some illegal immigrant advocates are enraged that this population did not get citizenship and the right to vote--that is the political outcome of reform failure. Personal ambition was thwarted. Special interest clout was embarrassed. Now some of them want to punish the elected officials who did not fulfill their expectations. With the recent terrorist attacks in England and Scotland, let us hope the illegal immigration activists will reconsider America's need for safety and unity.
Americans should NOT feel guilt over wanting personal survival and national security. Americans should NOT feel shame over not being able to accommodate every poor person in the world. Americans should NOT feel afraid to practice democracy. We must learn from the mistakes made in past immigration reform efforts. Next time, let us all work together in sincerity and honesty, courageously examining the facts, engaging in thorough discussion, and creating fair and enforceable reform. (Written 07/02/07)
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