Spanish Language National Anthem
by Natalia J. Garland
Print Version
The immigration reform marches have apparently prompted someone
to record a Spanish language version of America's national anthem,
the "Star-Spangled Banner." If our national anthem is
sung in Spanish, what does this mean? The first official
translation of the national anthem into Spanish was in 1919, and
included lyrics and music notation. There are currently four
different Spanish versions of the national anthem on the Department
of State website. Are these translations for informational
purposes only, or is it acceptable to sing America's national
anthem in other languages?
I have no objection
to people singing the national anthem in Spanish--if they sing it
from their heart as an expression of loyalty. Yes, immigrants
should learn English. In the process of language acquisition,
however, I see no harm in making available foreign language
translations of our national anthem. English cannot be learned
overnight, and we all want immigrants to understand and embrace
American values. Some immigrants, especially older ones, will
never learn English beyond minimal everyday communication. This
does not mean that they do not work hard or are not patriotic. It
is just a reality that becoming fluent in a second language is
very difficult.
Having said that,
let me add that now is not a good time to sing our national
anthem in Spanish. People who have entered the country illegally
and who want the privilege of U.S. citizenship should address
American citizens in English. This is a matter of respect, and a
means to inclusion in mainstream society. An insistence on the
use of Spanish could be interpreted as an attempt at reconquista,*
or the reconquering of the western portions of America for Mexico.
Singing the national anthem in Spanish, during our present crisis,
could be perceived as a symbolic overthrow of America. Hispanics
who are sincere about becoming Americans must not allow their
desires to be identified with or manipulated by extremist factions.
Americans are
poverty-stricken when it comes to speaking foreign languages. I
like English. It is a complicated but rich language. It is our
national language, and I want to make it clear that I do NOT think
we should be a bilingual nation. But we seem to have a
language-learning timidity or anxiety that cripples our ability to
function in a global society. The Long Beach Unified School
District [California] states this problem in a positive way.
Language and
communication are at the heart of the human experience. The United
States must educate students who are equipped linguistically and
culturally to communicate in our democratic society and abroad.
This is the philosophy of our country's national standards on
foreign language learning. The standards call for a future in
which all students are well-versed in English and at least one
other language, modern or classical. The national standards also
say that children who come from non-English-speaking backgrounds
should further develop their skill in their first
language. [End of quote.]
Most children and
grandchildren of immigrants will eventually lose any knowledge of
their ancestral language (unless there is a cultural refusal to
adopt English, which seems to be true of the extremist Mexican
factions). I have known different people--Italian, Polish,
Greek--who regret having lost their ability to speak those
languages and to pass it on to their children. This loss,
combined with a lack of language-learning retention from school,
makes Americans academically inferior and politically vulnerable.
When I was a
schoolgirl, the foreign languages offered (not required) were
French, German, and Spanish. These remain the major languages
taught today. Yet, politically, we need people who have mastered
Japanese, Russian, Chinese, and Arabic. Scholastically, we still
need people who can read Latin, Greek, and Hebrew (and I would
throw in Sanskrit as well). Whether or not the national anthem
should be sung in Spanish is less significant than our greater
language needs. I think every American should have a command
of a second language. Americans need to wake up to the power of
languages. (Written 05/04/06: bibliography available.)
read more about reconquista, see my essays Vodka Solves Nothing
(written 04/14/08), Illegal Immigration as a Social Problem,
Part I Section (1) (written 05/30/07), Cinco de Mayo at the Crossroads
(written 07/04/10).]
Until we meet
again..............stay sane.